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Veganuary Is Here!

Veganuary Is Here!

Step into Veganuary with us this month with our amazing schedule of incredible plant-based recipes.

We're launching a brand new, totally vegan recipe every single Monday in January, starting this week with our Vegan eatplanted.pulled BBQ Burger.

You thought a vegan hog roast couldn’t happen. You were wrong. Make yourself an out-of-this-world good burger, with a brioche bun, salad and eatplanted’s completely vegan planted.pulled – derived from peas and completely cruelty-free. So good you’ll find it hard to believe no one’s done it before.

eatplanted is a Swiss meat-alternative derived from peas. We love what they do – and they feel the same abotu us – so our launch next Monday also features them, recreating a kebab from the doner shops vegans tell us they've been missing ever since going plant-based.

Watch out for our Vegan eatplanted.kebab Wrap on Monday, 9th January!


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